how's everyone doing? (plus, a nightly routine!)

❤9 simple elegant spa bathroom ideas 5 « A Virtual Zone In that case, your bathroom might be needing a spa twist. If there is a bathroom really large, bright or dark colors may be overwhelming. Accessorizing the bathroom is just another element that is essential for the expression of the restroom. Mid-century style bathrooms featured a few of the palettes thus far. #spabathroom #elegantbathroom #bathroomideas

hi, hello, how are you doing?

the world is in the middle of a global pandemic. it feels dramatic to say that, but it's really what is happening in our world right now.

on top of that, a week ago we experienced our first earthquake. i'm not going to lie, that was MUCH scarier to me than this virus happening. the feeling of your entire home shaking and hiding under a table in case something were to fall on you (and things did fall from the walls/bookshelves). then the aftershocks that came were enough to make me consider just leaving utah altogether and staying in an airbnb somewhere to wait out all the aftershocks.

I was losing a lot of sleep over the last week because of stress and also, quite frankly, because I was being shaken away from aftershocks. your mind can go to dark places in the middle of the night when there are aftershocks and tremors happening AND a global pandemic happening in the world. I actually attemped to take a nap yesterday while august napped -- I never do that. and of course I could not fall asleep.

i've always loved a nighttime routines, but it's more important than ever for me right now. it's so easy fo me sit on the couch and drink wine and watch netflix and then do a quick change into pajamas and fall into bed. ...only to then lay there for hours just, thinking.

what helps me is if I have 30-45 min to 'wind down'. I brush my teeth, use my primally pure cleansers and oils, lather waxelene on my hands, make sure I have my giant hydro flask filled up next to my bed, and then read for about 30min. 

this has helped me tremendously. the process of getting ready and taking the time to wind down has helped me be able to turn my brain off before falling into bed.

I highly recommend a nightly routine -- especially right now with our world's current events.

(top photo taken from pinterest) 


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