flying during flu seasons -- my tips to avoid sickness

@claudia1merrill // allow yourself to believe anything is possible. Travel to see the world and appreciate new cultured, and you will reap compassion and gratitude.
august is about to take his 31st flight next week. he started flying at 10 weeks old. which means, in 15 months he will have flown 32 times. i'm exhausted just reading that.

flying during the winter months has made me very nervous. mostly because now that he's a toddler, he wants to go everywhere and touch everything. I read something the other day that said: 'you shouldn't be nervous to fly with a baby. you should be very nervous to fly with a toddler.'

this is what i do to help combat any sickness that might arise when we fly:

1. clorox wipes: we'll do a less...intense version of this in the summer. but I take no chances during the winter and go straight for the toxic wipes to help really kill anything in our way. when I say we wipe things down, i mean the entire row. everything gets wiped down. and if we use a family restroom, you better believe that it's getting a wipe down.

2. with corona virus madness + the flu season happening, i will change august out of his clothes (and if possible, transfer him immediately to a bath) after the flight. no reason to let any lingering germs that found their way onto him hanging out for longer than necessary.

3. i will buy immune boosting supplements for all three of us to start taking a week before we leave. if there is any way that I can proactively fight off sickness rather than having to deal with it during travel I will do it.

4. wash our hands excessively. this means august too. and when we can't wash our hands, we use hand sanitizer. and yes, our hands look like they have been through the ringer and are begging for lotion once we get to our destination. worth it, though!

5. this might go without saying, but just in case: anything that touches the ground in any part of our travel day gets put into a bag within the bag and does not get taken out until we can wash with soap and water. this is typically our norm wherever we are, but it is strictly enforced when we are traveling on planes and through airports.

at the end of the day, the biggest and most important thing we can do is wash our hands with soap and water (for the correct duration) and avoid touching our faces.

safe travels to anyone hopping on a plane!


(above photo taken from pinterest) 


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