an ode to postpartum gym life

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i did two rounds of bbg (bikini body guide -- terrible name, excellent workout) before i had a baby. i was in the best shape of my life. hiking mountains on weekends and getting my booty kicked during the week at the gym. it was awesome.

then i got pregnant.

i still worked out, but it was different. i was doing a ton of spin classes and eventually stopped and walked 3 miles three times a week in the last trimester. when i got the all clear from my doctor to start working out again at 6 weeks PP, i was literally starting at zero. i had no muscle left and was ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED to start working out for real again.

i bought new gym clothes, purchased a year long gym membership, and totally psyched myself up that i could do this. it worked, and i conquered a full round of bbg. that's 12 weeks of body crushing workouts three times a week. i'd drag myself to the gym after looooong days of being a mom. sometimes i wouldn't show up until 8:30pm to the gym and would be leaving after 9pm.

i was so proud of my results, though. i really worked my ass off. i honestly don't think i actually lost weight. i just got my muscles back... along with my confidence and feeling like myself again. and that's the best thing that could have happened.

12 weeks postpartum (before) / 11 weeks into bbg (after):


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