6 months of adventures (!!!)

i can't believe i've been a mom for six months. also, i think ever new mom says this. i never understood time and how fast it can go by until i became a momma. everyone told me this. i read it on every blog / article / IG post before having a baby. but it's TRUE.

my dad asked me this morning if it's gone by fast or slow and overall how i'm feeling about august being six months old. i told him it feels like forever. and it feels like it went by in a blink of an eye.

what august is up to: 
- sitting up! (with some help ;)
- blowing bubbles, making coo-ing sounds, laughing when we tickle him
- has two bottom teeth
- a proud owner of a bald patch on the back of his head :)
- loves the toes. loves to put said toes in mouth!
- went through a growth spurt last week, and my beloved 4.5 hours of free time during his nap time are now gone. he naps for about an hour in the morning and about an hour and a half in the afternoon. i'll take it!
- eating four times a day, but now taking an additional bottle in the evenings before bed (milk from my giant milk stash thanks to the haakaa)

what i've learned:
i learned that having a baby can make you feel so many emotions you didn't know you had. it can make you overly emotional about EVERYTHING (and not just because of hormones). it makes you look at the world differently and think about the future of the wold in a different light. it brings out the protective instinct you didn't know you had. it can turn you into a huge puddle of mush over how much you love your kiddo. i was someone who couldn't see myself as a mom and who wasn't particularly stoked to have my life slow waaaaay down. but here i am, six months in, soaking it all in and feeling every feel that i can. i've learned that i have no control over my baby at the end of the day. i can try to protect and be proactive and provide as much as i can to august, but at the end of the day the best thing i can do is pray for little august and his life and health and development.

i'm excited for the next six months. i know it's going to be a rollercoaster (several trips, some out of the country. eek!). but i'm so excited to watch august grow and learn more and more each day. motherhood is a true gift from god, and i am grateful (....that's something i never thought i'd say!).

cheers to you august! you keep us on our toes and make our life more exhausting but oh so exciting.


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