28 day detox... of social media!

There's something magic about the warm glow of a Campsite at Night.

i panicked at the end of january realizing i desperately needed to get off instagram for a little while.

i had never done an "IG detox" before. but i found myself waaaay too often mindlessly picking up my phone and scrolling instead of staring at my growing baby. i decided i'd give it up for 28 days in february. (fun fact: in february 2018 i decided to give up alcohol for 28 days. four days into the month, i found out i was pregnant and that detox stretched to nine months ;) i was fully prepared to feel refreshed and rejuvenated by freeing up my mind from the comparison and constant bombarding of information to my brain.

what i learned though, was not what i expected... 

once i stopped checking the app, i realized i actually use the app to connect with friends and family i have around the country. i learn mom hacks from other mommas i follow. i use the app to shop. to explore other cities in preparation for upcoming travel. instagram has become a way of life that has infiltrated all parts of my life. the lack of interaction with friends and the access to resources wasn't great. 

i DID however love that my productivity increased, and instead of reaching for my phone and scrolling, i reached for my phone and read the news. or the bible. or picked up my book and spent time reading. or took a nap while august napped.

i'm going to be putting time frames around when i use social media throughout the day. i also will be giving it up each sunday. hopefully i can stick with it! but i do not think i'll be cutting it out of my life permanently anytime soon. 

photo credit: taken from REI 


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